Review: On The Edge by Ilona Andrews

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Rose Drayton lives on the Edge, between the world of the Broken (where people drive cars, shop at Wal-Mart, and magic is a fairy tale) and the Weird (where blueblood aristocrats rule, changelings roam, and the strength of your magic can change your destiny). Only Edgers like Rose can easily travel from one world to the next, but they never truly belong in either.
Rose thought if she practiced her magic, she could build a better life for herself. But things didn't turn out how she planned, and now she works a minimum wage, off the books job in the Broken just to survive. Then Declan Camarine, a blueblood noble straight out of the deepest part of the Weird, comes into her life, determined to have her (and her power).
But when a terrible danger invades the Edge from the Weird, a flood of creatures hungry for magic, Declan and Rose must work together to destroy them, or the beasts will devour the Edge and everyone in it . . . (by


How I love this book. I don’t understand why it’s always so hard to word a review for a really good book. This first thing I think of is: “ I love it so much. Go buy this one immediately!” But I think this wouldn’t work so I will try to give you a few reasons why you should buy it:

1. This book has the most wonderful Wal-Mart sentence ever! I read this one every time I opened this book and had to laugh. Yep, I put a post-it in and I also showed everyone who asked me what I was reading this one sentence. You want to know what I making a fuss about: Go and get the book!!! LOL Ok that’s mean. Here it is:

”Go brush you teeth, comb your hair, put on dry clothes, and get

the guns. We’re going to Wal-Mart.”

2. The most wonderful kids ever written. These two boys are so cute and funny. I just love them and that’s said by me who’s normally really fast annoyed with kids because they never do what I want.

3. Declan! You need more reason than this one word. He’s so yummy and witty. A real blueblood but surprisingly good informed about the Broken, he loves to be cryptic and is a natural in bring your blood to the boiling point. I fell in love with him after “watching” him doing his work-out. Oh my, the drooling seemed to be endless.

4. An adorable heroine- Rose is strong, willful, loving and hopelessly stubborn. She’s refreshingly direct and made me laugh many times. She cares about her family and tries everything to keep them safe.

5. Disgustingly bad monsters. Yep, that’s a reason to buy this book because what would be a book without hate-worthy and bile-rising bad guys.

6. Shapeshifter. I so love Ilona’s shapeshifters and the ones in this book are no exception.

7. A very sweet little romance story. It’s not the typical romance with smex after smex but it totally suits this book. I didn’t want more and that’s something coming out of my mouth. *wicked rin*

8. The wonderful freaky side-characters living in the Edge. How did I survive so long without such a wonderful crazy neighborhood? I have no idea, but now I miss it.

9. A thrilling and gripping showdown at the end. Every book needs a big fight at the end which will make your heart stop beating and makes you hold your breath. And On The Edge has one of those.

10. The last reason is the wonderful extra at the end of this book. Yes the beginning of Magic Bleeds!!! *fangirl screaming*

So I know you will hate me for putting another book on your TBR but you will definitely not regret it with this one. It’s just so perfect and you should really get it. OK, I will admit it I’m addicted to Ilona’s books and I probably not subjective but You HAVE to buy this one.

Enough said now. Enjoy the book.

To learn more about Ilona & Gordon and their books please visit their website here.

The Edge Series:

1. On The Edge: other reviews @Goodreads, buy @amazon
2. Untitled Sequel (release September 2010)

I’m not it any way subjective concerning Ilona Andrews and her books. I’m an addict and you know you should never believe those.LOL I bought this book on my own. I don’t get anything if you click on the amazon link and buy one of the books.

Review: Fade to Black by Leslie Parrish

Saturday, October 10, 2009


A group of elite FBI special agents has been brought together to form the Cyber Action Team, aka CAT - and they have one mission: to solve Internet-related murders.
From his years in the FBI's violent crimes unit, Special Agent Dean Taggert has learned firsthand how vicious people can be. But this is the worst he's ever seen. Eight victims have been murdered, their final moments captured on film and shown on a secret Web site called Satan's Playground. And a madman who refers to himself as the Reaper is auctioning off their means of death.
When the investigation leads Dean to the small town of Hope Valley, he enlists the help of sexy and capable Sheriff Stacey Rhodes, who's dealing with secrets of her own. It's too late to save the latest victim, but Dean and Stacey still have to work fast, because the Reaper's next auction is about to begin... (by

I will warn you before I start to review this book: I’m not a passionate suspense reader. In my whole life I read not more than 5 or 6 books in this genre. I never could really connect with this books so I stopped reading them. So why did I buy this one? I read so many wonderful reviews about this series that there was no other possibility as to read this books. And I’m really happy I did it.

The series is all about the Black Cats, a new subdivision of the FBI. They try to solve Internet crimes but the rest of the FBI is not very happy to have this new division. The head of the Black CATs had his difficulties with some people in the bureau and so no-one wants to support them. The CATs are a really mixed bunch of people- a few computer nerds work together with hard assed agents who seem to eat nails for breakfast.

This book focuses on the suspense plot and the romance takes a seat behind it. The story is fast paced and gripping. Mrs. Parrish created a great combination of the cold fact side of the investigation and the hands on bloody side. Some scenes are really hard to digest but I’m a real horror movie junkie so I had really no problem with that. The case itself was very intriguing and from the start I wanted to get this guy. It’s a real page-turner and I didn’t know who the bad guy is till nearly the end(I guessed right two pages before it was revealed- I’m not sure if that counts).

As said the romance is not the front role here but the relationship between Dean and Stacey is wonderful developed. I really liked that the whole thing started slow. Would have been strange to see them chasing a crazy and disgusting murderer and hopping in the sack after the first meeting.
Dean is a real hard ass agent but he shows his sweet side when he is near our little Sherriff. He’s caring and a oh so sweet father. He’s really good at his job and knows what he does.
Stacey is a really strong character and I liked her right from the start. She stands her (wo)man in her job and doesn’t back down from problems. She knows how to handle people, the good and the bad and runs her town with real determination.

I would have liked a little more romance in the story but I really enjoyed the book and will definitely read the next book ASAP.

To learn more about Leslie Parrish and her books please visit her website here.

The Black CATs series:

1. Fade to Black: other reviews @goodreads, buy @amazon

2.Pitch Black: reviews @goodreads, buy @amazon

3. Black at Heart: reviews @goodreads, buy @amazon

Review: Hard and Fast by Erin McCarthy

Friday, October 9, 2009


An experiment in romance…
New to Charlotte, stock car racing country, graduate student Imogen Wilson meets Ty McCordle, a driver who inexplicably has her pulse racing. After an encounter at the track with a woman whose main goal in life is to marry a driver, Imogen realizes she’s hit on the perfect thesis for her Sociology degree. If she follows The Rules on how to get a man, can she steer her way to into the hearts of the drivers and establish their dating—and mating—patterns?
That’s testing the limits of passion.
Although sexy and reckless Ty is the ideal test subject, she knows she can’t pursue him for the sake of science. Yet he’s the one who’s chasing after her, and Imogen realizes that she actually wants to be caught. A southern gentleman like Ty won’t fail to disappoint, will satisfy all her curiosity—and make all the risks worthwhile… (by

First thing: look at this wonderful cover. Isn’t it one of the best covers ever. I can’t decide what to do first: 1. stroking it , cuddle it and do other things better not be named here or 2. frame it and put it over my desk.
That said we can come back to the actual review.

I so love this series and especially this book. It’s all about the NASCAR drivers and I have to admit that didn’t sound really promising to me. But don’t judge them because of that. I’m not into this racing thing but the whole plot is so fascinating that I didn’t mind it being about racing. This book outlines the relationship between Imogen and Ty- two characters as different as they can be.

Imogen is a grad student trying to write her degree in sociology. She’s very intelligent and really really eager for knowledge. She wants to know everything and I mean EVERYTHING. She asks question about things and in situations that made me blush. Her thesis for her degree is “How To Marry A Race Car Driver (In Six Steps)- does it work?”. She wants to know if the rules out of a book with the same title work and what better way to test them than experiencing it yourself.

Ty is a hard ass driver with a very direct attitude and full of snarky comments. He has one loose girlfriend after the next and doesn’t need or want some kind of commitment. He’s a successful stockcar driver and enjoys his life as it is. He has one big secret- nope I’m not spoiling it- but he tries to hide from it. Since the first time he met Imogen he’s curious about her but he can’t seem to remember her name correctly. Sounds awful but it really cute and I laughed so hard every time he tries to pronounce it. He’s a real gentleman at heart and so yummy he stole my breath away.

Imogen and Ty are so different but they are so great together, they seem to be a perfect match. Their conversations are witty and funny. The attraction is scorching hot and they are so totally open about their needs, it’s just totally amazing. Very hot and sensual- you will definitely need a fan.

This book is my favorite so far in this series and I can’t wait to read the next one. The plot is a great mix of sexy hot scenes and funny conversations. The side-characters are wonderful, especially Suzanne and Ryder- they can’t live with and without one another.
This series is so far an absolute keeper and I’m really anxious to read the next one.

One thing Sarah from Monkey Bear Reviews noticed a few weeks back is that the book format of this series changes with the next book from trade to mass market paperback. Anyone else finds this annoying? Will the first two be re-released in that format or is this just a mistake on the website? I hate it when the books don’t match in the bookshelf.

To learn more about Erin McCarthy and her books please visit her website here.

The Fast Track Series:

1. Flat-Out Sexy: reviews @goodreads, buy @amazon
2. Hard and Fast: other reviews @
goodreads, buy @amazon

3. *Unnamed* (Suzannes & Ryder’s story) release Aug 2010

I never met or talked to Erin McCarthy in any way. I bought this book on my own. I don’t get anything if you click on the amazon link and buy one of the books. (Didn’t even know that this would be possible.LOL)


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