About Us!

The professional about us:
We are two European Girls who love  to read- mostly romance. We blog about everything book related and enjoy every minute of it. If you want us to review your book please check out our review policy.
The fun one:

We're just two girls who found each other through their shared obsession love for romance novels. Everything started like an ordinary blogger friendship but we actually formed a hivemind over time and now we're always talking to each other. To give a you a small glimpse into our life together here a top ten eleven ... okay our top something list of things we have in common:

1. We make fun of each other's typos- no matter what, we are ruthless that way.

2. We use "dildo" instead of "ditto" just cuz it makes us laugh. Yes, our humor is rather immature.

3. We love to use these O_O O_o O_O O8O and call each other (squirrel) and (bunny)- wanna guess who's who?

4. We can make a party with music and get awfully drunk but still chat with each other- it's a miracle.

5. Caro always tries to send Susi weird pics at work- so she will make weird noises while on the phone. The small pleasures of life.

6. We write each other midnight or morning emails only cuz we haven't talked in more than 4 hours.

7. We actually talk to each other through many ways: emails, comments, twitter and goodreads even though we have a chat window open at the same time.

8. We can laugh for hours at websites like LOLcat, Failbook, DYAC.

9. we're email impersonating each other.

10. Caro always forces Susi to spoil books for her and Susi tries to reassure her without actually doing it.

11. We have an on-going country fight where Susi is the mad German and Caro the glass-seeing French.

12. We keep sending each other links of covers and discuss them in great detail and never without cussing.

13. We are proud members of #peenfriday.

14. We endure each others fangirl squees even when we don't agree we bear each other's obessions. Susi's is Megan Hart and Caro's is historicals.

15. We always use #fail hashtags even if we aren't on twitter


Book Lovers Inc.

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