Review: His at Night by Sherry Thomas

Thursday, July 15, 2010

He is England's most foolish lordling. She is a very desperate young woman—and still not desperate enough to want him for a husband. But Fate has a way of upsetting the best-laid plans and Elissande finds herself married to a man whose vast idiocy makes her teeth hurt—from clenching them so hard!

But is Lord Vere really a hopeless cretin, or has Elissande accidentally married the one man who keeps his secrets as well as she does hers? And once Lord Vere gets over his shock of being shackled to a young lady who seems to be everything he doesn't want—if only he could stop desiring her madly—will he discover that she is the one who holds the key to his long-locked heart?

My Thoughts:
The first thing I should probably tell you is that I'm not a huge historical reader. I enjoy it from time to time but at heart I am a paranormal girl. That being said I really enjoyed this book. I had a few little ruffles with it but I think that most of those can be explained with me not reading enough novels in this genre.

What I liked:
1. The story flows wonderfully. You start reading and the next time you look up you've read 100+ pages without having noticed. Mrs. Thomas storytelling is addictive and never lost its appeal.

2. Her conversations are fun- they were time appropriate (in my non-expert eyes) but also amusing to no end. Especially Lord Vere's un-knowledge was hilarious. It must have been so much fun to write this part. He made stories up that were so crazy and stupid that they left me laughing on the bed.

3. I loved her side characters. The romance between Freddie and (name) was fascinating. I love these situations where both want each other but are too shy to do anything. I loved the way they interacted and that she wasn't afraid to tell him her opinion on everything. I like strong woman  with an mind and no hassle to stand up for what they want. Perhaps that is why I liked these 2 more than the main couple.

What I didn't like that much:
1. Lord Vere was contradicting. He blames Elissande for tricking him into he marriage and for "playing" most of her reaction to others but on the other hand he is even worse. He lies to everyone including his family. They all are worried about him and his "accidentally" caused stupidity. He was a bit too full of himself for my taste and everyone forgave him way too easily. He was cute from time to time but most of the time I just wanted to slap him silly. How dares he to judge Ellissande even after he knows what she went through. One second he was full of empathy and in the next he was picturing her as the worst lier of the world again. Also he's jumping in bed with her and then drops her like some piece of junk. I'm not appreciating that at all. And don't get me started on the first time they had sex. That was just so wrong. I know I'm ranting but that one really was a piece of work.

2. Perhaps I'm too modern but I don't think that woman of that time didn't know what an orgasm was. These woman had time alone with their body too and I can't believe that they didn't experimented with themselves. Okay I get that they probably weren't that informed about the male body and what to do with it but every woman should know her body at least a bit.

Okay ranting done. Beside this 2 points I really like this book. The story was compelling, the pace was perfect and the characters were mostly nice. It was a fast entertaining read I couldn't put down even if I was not so happy about some parts. I already plan to buy another of Mrs. Thomas books because she definitely knew how to entertain me.

To learn about Sherry Thomas and her books please visit her website here.

You can read other reviews @goodreads and buy the book @BookDepository

Review: The Missing by Shiloh Walker

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


As a teenager, Taige Branch was able to do things with her psychic gift that others couldn't understand - except for Cullen Morgan, the boy who stole her heart. He did his best to accept her abilities, until his mother was brutally murdered - and he couldn't forgive Taige for not preventing her death.


Now a widowed father, Cullen Morgan has never forgotten Taige. but what brings her back into his life is another tragic event. His beloved little girl has been kidnapped, and Taige is his only hope of finding her.


Working together against the clock, Cullen and Taige can't help but wonder whether - if the find his daughter in time - it isn't too late for the overpowering love that still burns between them...

I received this book as a review copy from the author.

One thing I learned for sure: Shiloh Walker knows how to throw an emotional punch right into your heart. The Missing will grab your heart from the start and not let go until you read the last page. I think it is an unique talent Mrs. Walker has there. Her books are always full of heartbreak, thrill and they have their share of sexy times, too.

In The Missing we meet Taige in her teenage years. She already suffered a lot and still does most of the time. Not only does she hear and see monstrous things happening but she also has to survive the attention of her extremely religious uncle who believes she is the spawn of Satan. Her life isn't as it should be for a teenage girl. Not much makes her life good. She can escape into the haven of Rose's and Dante's love from time to time but she has to go back to her uncle from hell, too. My heart bled for Taige and as the story went on that only intensified.

We also meet Cullen (anyone else has to think of Twilight every time...). He is a nice boy with rich parents but he still stands with his both feet on the ground. He had a crush on Taige since the first time he saw her and she just won't leave his thought alone. He is positively smitten and searches for a way to get in touch. When he finally earns her attention it is on a rather life threatening situation and since that moment these 2 are glued together. I loved the way their relationship developed. It was so sweet and lovely- I really hoped for a HEA for them. But if you read the Blurb you know that it didn't went this way. When Cullen's mom is murdered every thing changes. He says some really really mean things and behaves like a total jerk. I would have loved to slap him silly for that. No matter what happens you should NEVER do something like this. When someone opens up to you that much you should never use that information to hurt that person. Every thing he said was like a death blow to Taige and I would have never looked at him again after that. But she does (Taige is definitely way nicer than me).

The next part of the book takes place 12 years after that last big fight. Cullen has a daughter and Taige works for the FBI and the police as a psychic bloodhound. Taige can't really cope with this job. It drains her emotionally and every new case kills a bit of herself. She is empty inside and tries to escape her visions and dreams through alcohol. Taige doesn't blame Cullen for that but I totally do.
When Cullen's daughter is kidnapped they decide to work together to get her back and bring justice to the monster who did that to her.

As you can see this book is full of action. Everything happens real fast and sometimes it was just a bit too much for me. Not the amount of the action but I thought it was a bit too much what happened to our couple through the whole book. How can someone survive this? I honestly don't know. I like the pace of the story though. I read the last half of the book in one session- I was tired like hell but I couldn't put it down. The suspense is good but I already knew how the bad guy was in the middle of the book. But I was still under the ban of Shiloh's writing.

I really liked how these 2 rediscovered their love for each other. It was obvious really quick that they are meant for reach other but I can't blame Taige to be a bit cautious after their history together. It was nice to see a couple that really cared for each other and that not everything was focused on the sexual attraction and sex.
They gave each other so much comfort and honest love- just wonderful.

There was another thing I noticed. I recently read No Longer Mine also by Shiloh Walker and The Missing really reminded me of that story. I'm not sure if it's just Mrs. Walker's writing style or the story but both books have a bit of the same feel.

The Missing is a good romantic suspense (with paranormal elements) about love, devotion, trust and faith. If you like your books emotional this is definitely the right book for you.
To learn more about Shiloh Walker and her books please visit her website here.

You can read more reviews @Goodreads and buy the book @BookDepository


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