DNF Review: Rampant by Saskia Walker

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Possession is only half the fun…
The moment she arrives at her rented vacation cottage nestled in Scotland, Zoë Daniels feels it—an arousal so powerful she's compelled to surrender to the unusually forceful carnal desires…with nearly anyone who crosses her path. Crawford Logan, the boat builder with the wayward grin. The devilish restaurateur Cain Davot, who seems to know more about Zoë than he lets on. And even her sexy neighbor Grayson Murdoch, whose eyes delve deep into her soul as he explores every inch of her body.

Yet there's something unsettling about the way the locals watch her, something eerie about these overwhelming encounters. Zoë knows she's not quite in control of herself and begins to wonder if there's any truth to the legend of Annabel McGraw, a powerful, promiscuous eighteenth-century witch who once owned the cottage, and whose spirit t is rumored to affect anyone who stays there. Zoë doesn't t believe in anything that even hints at the occult, but t now strange visions are turning frightening…and only one man's touch can bring her back to earth.

I had high expectations and I desperately needed a good read so I looked at goodreads and found this book. Many of my blogger friends loved or at least liked it so I thought why not. I could use something sexy and finally opened my netgalley copy.

I really don't like to DNF or giving up in general but I just can't read more of this book. I have to force myself to read another few pages and I don't think I will like it more even if I do. So please consider while reading this that I only read this book up to page 150.
So here's why it's just not my kind of book:

1. I was way too confused with the beginning of the book. It had so much sex but by far not enough story or general information. I didn't really bond with the characters and they still felt like strangers when I read on. They never lost their mysterious touch- for my taste too much mystery and not enough disclosure.

2. Zoë is a business woman currently on her much needed vacation. She is usually a facts person, she believes in what she can see and prove with logic. But when she arrives in the Scottish small town she is immediately turned on, and with that I'm mean horny as hell. She is worried at first but then she puts it aside as caused by her long sex abstinence. So we have that rather tame girl now horny and all of sudden she has "mind-sex" (more about that later) with a guy and a woman and then real life sex with her sexy neighbor she just met 24 hours or less ago. She doesn't really worry about it. Just a thought here and there. It seems I'm prude but I didn't buy it at all.

3. The above mentioned mind sex was totally weird. She didn't ask for anything and is kind of forced into a vision like sex scene by the bad guy. She sees herself having sex with that guy and the post woman and in the vision she likes it. I'm not sure if I like that. Perhaps it would have been sexy if I would have liked the other 2 participants but I hate those and felt more like rape than anything else.

4. In general all the sex scenes felt like they were just there to actually have sex scenes in the book, like it is in porn you know? "Ohhh there is a sexy man lets have sex ASAP." Not something I like.

5. And I encountered a pet peeve. The bad guy calls himself he-witch and that's just ridiculous. It reminded me of he-man and I couldn't take that seriously.

The writing itself was good but the story didn't do it for me at all. For me it was too much storyless sex.

But don't judge the book only because I didn't like it. Here are some links to reviews of blogger friends who liked much more than me:
- Colette @ Buckeye Girls Read (4/5 Goodreads Rating)
- Pearl @ Pearl's World of Romance (8.5 out of 10)
- Pat @ Peace, Love & Pat (4 out of 5)
other reviews @GoodReads

To learn more about Saskia Walker and her books please visit her website here.

Review and Promo: Coming Clean by Inez Kelley

Monday, August 30, 2010

COMING CLEAN never felt so good...
Grant and Vivi Michaelson share everything in their marriage: love, commitment—and their wildest sexual desires. But their relationship is tested when Vivi admits she wants a threesome with Grant’s old friend Cade, proposing their annual trip to the lake as the perfect opportunity to fulfill her fantasy.
All three of them are aroused by the idea. Vivi and Cade have long felt a smoldering attraction to each other…and Grant and Cade have hidden an illicit desire for decades. Going through with the ménage will test their boundaries, reveal old secrets…and maybe tear them apart. After all, there might be room for Cade in bed, but is there room for a third in their marriage?
Rated Top Pick, 4 Stars, 5 Blue Ribbons and called 'the best menage of the summer' by reviewers!
"The characters are adorable, the storytelling is perfect and Mrs. Kelley’s voice is something I will never forget."

COMING CLEAN by Inez Kelley BUY it now.

And if you want to know why I loved this book you can check out my review here at Book Lovers Inc. 

Go and get it! It's wonderful!

Review: The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker by Leanna Renee Hieber

Monday, August 16, 2010

What fortune awaited sweet, timid Percy Parker at Athens Academy? Hidden in the dark heart of Victorian London, the Romanesque school was dreadfully imposing, a veritable fortress, and little could Percy guess what lay inside. She had never met its powerful and mysterious Professor Alexi Rychman, knew nothing of the growing shadows, of the Ripper and other supernatural terrors against which his coterie stood guard. She saw simply that she was different, haunted, with her snow white hair, pearlescent skin and uncanny gift. This arched stone doorway was a portal to a new life, to an education far from what could be had at a convent-and it was an invitation to an intimate yet dangerous dance at the threshold of life and death...

I received The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker (for short Strangely Beautiful) as a review copy from the author and I couldn't wait for exams to be over so I could finally start it. And I have to say this book didn't disappoint. Okay I admit the start was a bit slow for my taste but after the first 50 pages I was so hooked I just couldn't pit it down. BF had to force me to stop in the train so I didn't miss our exit. Strangely Beautiful is a mix of historical and paranormal with a sweet touch of romance and that wonderful diversity caught my heart.

The story centers around Miss Percy Parker a very timid and shy girl with a rather shocking appearance. She's an albino and her pale exterior seems to frighten the people of that time. I think that nowadays she would still receive a lot of weird glances and stares but at that period people even more believed in the paranormal and all they see is a girl that looks like ghost and they act like she came to haunt them. Percy tries to stay in the background. She tries to avoid being noticed and she developed some skills to blend with the surroundings. But she is not a person who should be ignored. She was an intelligent mind and is one of the nicest and loveliest persons I ever read about. If you had her as your friend you would be really lucky. She is all in all a charming and good mannered girl.

And then we have the dark and delicious Professor Alexi Rychman. Oh my, this one is one I would like to have a professor. He seems to be untouchable and aloof but in his core he is as human as we all are. He is a controlled and very focused man. He knows what he wants and mostly has the exact route in his mind how to achieve it. No wonder he is the leader and mind of The Guard. He is a strong believer in science and fact and it sometimes collides with his job as paranormal investigator. How can explain something ghostly with science and logic. I loved to read about his inner struggle. His character and mind highly intrigued me but I have to say that there were some moments when I would have loved to hit him HARD but that's okay because after all he still is just a man.

The romance in Strangely Beautiful is nice and sweet with some lovely twists and turns. I felt like a cheerleader and caught myself telling the characters things like: Don't you dare thinking about that woman. Yes, perhaps I even screamed a bit from time to time but I just couldn't let some things happen. ;) The romantic part of the book is a bit tame but everything else just wouldn't fit the story and characters. And after all what happens was hot on it's own. *wink*

I was also really fascinated by Mrs. Hieber's side characters. You can really feel how much she likes to travel. Her characters are all special and really unique. You can see their life and their backstory but you never feel overwhelmed with the amount of information. That was really surprising for me. When I put the book down and thought about the story and characters I realized how much I learned in this book and I never felt like it was too much. I say that's great story telling.

The story is wonderfully strange and even though Strangely Beautiful is written in omniscient POV it never lost it's thrill for me. Every time a character made a mistake or thought something wrong I wanted to shake them and tell them how stupid that was. Okay perhaps I used more colorful words but I''m trying to behave.

Mrs. Hieber's writing is lyrical, full of emotion and passion. You can feel her love for the words and how much she enjoys writing. Her sentences just flow exactly right and they all warmed my heart. I think that made this book into something special for me. Strangely Beautiful is an amazing touching and emotional story with a thrilling paranormal mystery. Her characters jump of the pages and you will be unable to wait long to start book 2, The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker. I know I can't wait to learn how Percy's and Alexi's story will go on.

To learn more about Leanna and her books please visit her website here
And you should check out Book Lovers Inc tomorrow. I will dual review Strangely Beautiful togther with Caroline aka pattepoilue.

Strangely Beautiful Series:
1. The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker: goodreads
2. The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker: goodreads
3. The Perilous Prophecy of Guard and Goddess: goodreads


Book Lovers Inc.

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