Review: Death's Sweet Embrace by Tracey O'Hara @BookLoversInc

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Yes I finally did it again! I reviewed a book. Wanna read what I thought about this book? Here is a little teaser! You can read the rest @Book Lovers Inc here.

The first thing I have to admit is that I was really disappointed to realize this book wasn't about Antoinette and Christian again. I loved these two and at the end of Night's Cold Kiss I was sure their story would develop more in the next book. The end left my HEA loving heart yearning for more and I always assured myself: you will get your fix in book two. So you can see when I realized I wouldn't get this, Death's Sweet Embrace and I had a rocky start.

This story is all about Kitt, the snow leopard shifter we already met in book one. She still suffers from the aftershocks of her brother's death but there are some important things in her life that need her immediate attention right now. She accepts a position for teaching at the NYAPS (the parahuman university) and she has to face her past there. She meets her daughters- twin she had to give away after birth and as you can imagine this situation troubles her not only with anticipation. To make the whole situation even more complex she also discovers that her first big love and father to the girls, Raven, is currently at NYAPS too- so she finds herself in an emotional roller-coaster ride from the start.

Hope you're all having a great weekend!

Review: Trust Me by Sydney Somers

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

After three months on the run, Detective Maxine Walker figures no one will find her behind a counter in a small Canadian town. It might even be safe to grab a beer with the sexy stranger who’s just come through the shop door. Then the bullets start flying.

When he saves her—then takes her prisoner—she assumes an arms dealer who set her up for murder has put a price on her head.

Lucas McAllister has doubts as to whether Max killed his partner, but it’s his job to bring her in. Plus, she could be his only lead to a missing biological weapon. That means he’s not letting her out of his sight, not for a second. Which shouldn’t be tough given the possessiveness that rushes through him with every touch. When the resourceful detective uses their attraction to attempt distraction, his hands-off policy is blown all to hell.

As the real hit men close in, trust is in short supply. But if they can’t trust each other, their lives—and their hearts—may get caught in the crossfire.

After hearing so many good things about Ms Somers writing I couldn't resist the temptation to read this one. I'm not much of suspense reader in general but I really enjoyed this one.  It is a wonderful contemporary novel with an intoxicating fast paced plot that didn't let me go.

We meet Detective Maxine Walker who's currently on the run not only from the NYC police force but also from the dealer Blackwater who got her into this situation to begin with.  She's a strong woman, full of determination and a strong sense of honor. No matter what she won't back down from what's right even though her life is ruined by this decission. She knows how to be her own woman, she's tricky and strong and even a strong man like Lucas won't be able to tell her what to do. I really liked her, she was fun even though she regrets which turns her life took. She feels responsible for teh death that brought her into this situation and she desperately needs something to cheer her up and a bit of help with bringing Blackwater down won't hurt either.

Lucas works for the Lassiter Group and the afore mentioned murder which killed his partner. He can't give up searching for the culprit. At first his company thought Max had done it but he's sure she isn't. When he finally finds her he needs her help because she is the only one who can lead him to the murderer. Lucas is strong and a protector at heart. I liked him even though it was strange to see him so "helpless" against a woman like Max. A professional, like he is, should be able to stand his own more against an ordinary cop. But yeah I could ignore that fact in lieu of him being sexy as hell.

I loved the romance between those two. The attraction was strong from the start and I loved their little and sometimes even big fights. The balance between plot and romance was great and I was enthralled and never lost interest. As I said I'm not much of a suspense lover but this story really did it for me. I already know I can't wait to get more of this author- her writing is right up my alley. An absolute recommended read.

To learn more about Sydney and her books please vist her website.

Read other reviews @goodreads, Buy the book @BooksOnBoard


Book Lovers Inc.

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