July's HEAs

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Susi's Books:
July was definitely not my month. Hospital stay, a bazillion doc appointments and my finals all in one little cozy month. Blech! I vote for August being a better month. So here my tiny list:

1. Dirty Kiss by Rhys Ford (my review) - 4 stars
This was a really good m/m mystery novel. The setting was rather exotic and the characters highly intriguing. I will keep my eyes open for more of Ford's work.

2. Red Mortal (Gods of Midnight, #4) by Deidre Knight - 3 stars
Last book in the Gods of Midnight series *sobs* and I kind of expected more. Leo and Daphne always had this chemistry between them and for my taste they just spend to much time with denying themselves in this one. Got really annoying at some point to here the same reason again and again and again. And I'm still sad that Mason and Nikos won't have their own book. =(

3. Backstage Pass (Sinners on Tour #1) by Olivia Cunning - 4 stars
OMG hawt hawt hawt. I read this one cuz Caro forced me to guinea-pig for her and I was always reluctant cuz I knew it would have rimming and just yuck. *Susi the prude* But well I just ignored those scenes. The rest was hot, hot, hot and the guys are fun in a rockstar kind of way. And they make me think of Apocalyptica doing dirty things. I approve. *g*
4. Rock Hard (Sinners on Tour, #2) by Olivia Cunning - 4 stars
This one was a bit more emotional and not so much focused on the sex. We still have tons of that but the emotional buildup is more complex and the overall feel more thought-provoking. Really liked this change of pace.

5. Dragon Bound (Elder Races, #1) by Thea Harrison- 4 stars
This one was really good. Finally a new PNR I actually do like. I wasn't sure if I would like it because I read some spoilers (on accident) before I started it but I did like it. It's not that outstanding as everyone wanted me to believe but it is definitely one of the best.

6. Black Night (Madeline Black, #2) by Christina Henry (my review) - 3 ½ stars
This one was fun- it has awesome characters that will make you giggle and snort and it has the gory fight scenes that will make you O_o. I expected a bit more development of the romantic plotline but there wasn't much.
7. Craving Perfect by Liz Fichera (my review) - 3 stars
This one was funny and reminded me of Bridget Jones but on the other hand it was a bit too shallow and superficial for my taste. I really wanted to bang the heroine's head against some hard.

8. Changing the Game (Play by Play, #2) by Jaci Burton (my review) - 4 stars
Ohhhhh Gavin- I'm in love. I really loved to see how he and Lizzie found their HEA. A love story about to stubborn humans and the smex was hot. Highly recommended series!
9. Indecent Experiment by Megan Hart- 4 ½ stars
A short story I bought for being a good student. And OMG this was hot- this will show what sexual build up should be like. Wonderful and just awesome. All thumbs up.

10. Open Season by Linda Howard - 3 stars
I read this one cuz Has from The Book Pushers pimped it. A nice romantic suspense but for me it was a bit too slow. I wanted a bit more thrill. But it was a fun read with a wonderful condom scene that made me giggle and role my eyes at the same time.

Caro's Books:
I’m not sure why this was a slow month for me too (Susi: you missed me!! Awww. *hugs*) but it turned out that way. *shrug* I won’t complain though because I read some fantastic books. I’m still over-the-roof happy about Backstage Pass! *squee*. Here’s my list:
1. Only Mine by Susan Mallery - 4 Stars (my review)
This is a very cute Small Town romance. Easy to read and full of happy! I fell for this town and its inhabitants.

2. Silk is for Seduction by Loretta Chase - 4 ½ - 5 Stars
This was different from the usual Historical romances, for once the heroine is working and not an idle aristocrat. This was really good. I’m excited about the next book.

3. Venom Jennifer Estep - 4 ½ Stars - Audiobook
I think this was my favorite in the series so far. But I’m still annoyed at a few of my pet peeves in this series.
4. Something About You by Julie James - 4 ½ Stars
I wish it had more romance from the start. Otherwise it was very funny and the hero was yumilicious. NOM NOM NOM

5. The King’s Courtesan by Judith James - 4 ½ Stars (my review)
I was SO excited to read this book and it didn’t disappoint. My review HERE

6. Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning - Big fat 5 Stars
Woooot!! *suqeeeee* This was SO amazing. I loved it to PIECES. It’s just perfect. I’m still thinking about it now. *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
7. Hammered by Kevin Hearne - 4 Stars - Audiobook
This was well narrated like the first 2 books but the story was a bit less interesting. Or better said it was a bit harder to follow mostly because I didn’t know ¾ of the deities/Gods/myths mentioned in this book. It was still a good book

8. Inside Out - Lauren Dane - 3 ½ Stars
As much as I love this series, I didn’t enjoy Inside Out as much as the other books. Not enough things happening and I didn’t care much about the main characters. I’ve been waiting for years for Adrian’s story though...I’m excited for Never Enough. It’s killing me to see everyone reading t now. WANTZ!!!

What was your favorite read in July? 
Any recommendations we shouldn't miss in August?


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