Review: Start Me Up by Victoria Dahl

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Lori Love is yearning for something more.

Lori had always planned to get out of tiny Tumble Creek, Colorado, but when her late dad left her his beloved auto body shop, she'd stayed. Now, according to her crazy best friend, Molly, what Lori needs is some excitement, in the form of hot, no-strings-attached sex…and lots of it.
Quinn Jennings has buildings on the brain—not love and romance. A serious architect, he's delighted to discover that Lori is willing to skip dating protocols and head straight for the sheets. And aided by the steamy books on Lori's bedside table, he's busy indulging both of their wildest fantasies. But when life in Tumble Creek takes a dangerous turn for Lori, Quinn's protective instincts kick in.
Suddenly he cares. More than either of them ever expected…. (by


Start Me Up is the second book in the Tumble Creek series and I adored the first book Talk Me Down. Before starting this one I was a little afraid of getting disappointed- because it couldn’t really be as good as the first one. But I have to admit it is.

Lori is chained to Tumble Creek first by her ill dad and now by his garage. She never wanted to be a mechanic- she had this dreams about finishing college and than seeing the world in all her beauty. But that seems to be out of reach now. She hates that everyone sees her as one of the boys or even worse the town lesbian. That’s no good start to attract male attention(only the really strange ones). Now she tries to pimp herself a bit to get the attraction she deserves as a woman.

Quinn is the ultimate beta-hero, a nerdy super genius spending his time as an architect, he’s often totally absorbed in his work and doesn’t even notice the world around him. Sounds like an autist but it’s more a declaration of love for his work. He always forgets dates and we all know a man like this didn’t stand a chance with an ordinary girl. He tries to be something special for Lori and *hear hear* he also reads her romance novels to learn what she likes. I think my bf would prefer to jump from a cliff before reading one of those books.

Both of them together are really great. They have a lot of hot chemistry and fit together just perfect(OMG that sounds juicy). The dialogs are witty and made me cry out with laughter. The sex is hot and full of dirty Spanish words. The whole book is a nice mix of romance and suspense with the main focus on the romance. In my opinion the end was a little abrupt but the only critic I can find. I enjoyed this book so much it directly moved on my re-read pile right next to Talk me Down.

To learn more about Victoria Dahl and her books take a look at her website here.

Tumble Creek Series:

1. Talk Me Down: my really short mini review,
reviews @goodreads, buy @amazon

2. Start Me Up: reviews

@goodreads, buy @amazon
3. Lead Me On: (Release January 2010) excerpt here


Marissa said... 1

I have heard so many good things about this series from Dahl, but have not even bought them... need to change that, certainly after your great review! It sounds like a great read one should not miss out on!

Blodeuedd said... 2

Sounds interesting, I have never read a book by her but I sure should :)

SusiSunshine said... 3

@Marissa You definitely shouldn't miss this series. Can say enough how much I like it.

@Blodeuedd She also writes historicals but I never read one of those.

Patti (Book Addict) said... 4

I've heard very good things about this book - I didn't know it was part of a series. I haven't read much contemporary romance, but this sounds good! Might be time to dive in!

Mandi said... 5

ooh..beta hero...I am liking them more and more. I had no idea there was a beta hero out there awaiting me!

Cecile Smutty Hussy said... 6

Thanks to your earlier review, I have bought this book... Now, I have to get my hands on the first one!! =)
I can not wait to start reading them... Do I have to wait for the first book... to follow what is going on or can I just read this one?? You know I can not stand to read out of order... that would just bug the crap out of me!

I hope you are having a great day!
Great review!!!

SusiSunshine said... 7

@Patti I never read much contemps. Started with Gena Showalter's and it seems like I can't stop. These books are really great and good starters for contemp-virgins.

@Mandi Learned this word on Goodreads so I thought I will show the world how many strange words I know.LOL

@Cecile I think all the back-story is nicely mentioned in the book but I think waiting for the first one is best. There are so many small references and jokes yo just don't get without reading the first one. But I'm like you and hate to read books out of order.

Smokinhotbooks said... 8

I don't know if I was having an off day, or needed more chocolate, but I did not care for this book *throwing hands in front of face*. I thought the book was funny in some parts, but I thought that plot and the fighting were a little meh for me. Am I crazy should I re-read this book again?

SusiSunshine said... 9

@Smokinhotbooks Huh, don't know what to say to this. I loved it. OK perhaps the fighting was a little over the top but that's the way Lori is. And you seriously didn't care for the Spanish dirty talk? Give it a second chance!

pattepoilue said... 10

There is NO way i can NOT read this book and Talk Me Down. loved your review.
And you actually succeeded in getting me to read comtemporary romance! (received Laid Bare can't wait to have the time to read it now)

SusiSunshine said... 11

@pattepoilue Oh, thanks!!! I hope you enjoy Laid Bare and this series.
I'm smiling like a madwoman at the moment.LOL

SarahT said... 12

So glad you enjoyed this book! Victoria Dahl is fast becoming one of my favourite romance authors. I can't wait for 'Lead Me On'!

SusiSunshine said... 13

@Sarah I totally agree on both counts.

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