Review: Head over Heels by Annemarie Hartnett
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
That whole “no nookie” rule seemed like a good idea until Chrissie got under the covers with Sam.
When Chrissie declared a moratorium on hooking up for this group road trip, she didn’t think a miscommunication with a hotel desk clerk would put her in the same bed with Sam.
A total dork wrapped in a nice package, Sam has been the object of her vacation lust since day one. Once she’s huddled together under the covers with him the rules go out the window.
Can Sam and Chrissie turn their carefree holiday fling into something more?
Reader Advisory: This book contains some toy play.
I think I'm totally in love with this cover. So yes I just couldn't wait to start reading this book when I finally got my greedy hands on it. I adored Company of Fools and yes my expectations where high before I started reading. I expected a scorching hot and funny read to keep me warm in this brutal winter and that's exactly what I got.
In Head over Heels we meet a group of friends on an adventure trip through nature. Most of their group already escaped back to civilization and only 4 friends are left. Chrissie, our heroine is really attracted to the rather geeky Sam. But she has her own no nookie rule holding her back. Chrissie is a nice person most of the time but sometimes she starts to talk before she thinks- a think I can really relate too. She's also stubborn as hell and won't part with her own prejudices and "rules" no matter how stupid they are.
Sam is a sexy geeky guy and you know I love those. He's full of surprises and not at all what you would think of when you imagine a geek (but those mostly never are what the name suggests). He's funny and so sweet at times- heart-meltingly cute. These two together can keep you warm- I loved those sex scenes. Very inventive but never too much. Just two young people having fun. The romance is light but I enjoyed the slow build up.
I always love how easy Ms Hartnett's stories flow. It's like talking to friends- easy and just natural. Her humor is exactly the kind I love and she made me giggle more than once. The storyline itself was a bit predictable at the end but I didn't really mind because she kept me smiling the whole time.
Head over Heels is a really hot and cute story- perfect to keep you entertained on a cold winter night. I know I will keep my eyes open for more of Ms. Hartnetts stories.

To learn more about Annemarie and her books please visit her website here.
Read other reviews @goodreads. Buy the book at @Total-E-Bound
That whole “no nookie” rule seemed like a good idea until Chrissie got under the covers with Sam.
When Chrissie declared a moratorium on hooking up for this group road trip, she didn’t think a miscommunication with a hotel desk clerk would put her in the same bed with Sam.
A total dork wrapped in a nice package, Sam has been the object of her vacation lust since day one. Once she’s huddled together under the covers with him the rules go out the window.
Can Sam and Chrissie turn their carefree holiday fling into something more?
Reader Advisory: This book contains some toy play.
I think I'm totally in love with this cover. So yes I just couldn't wait to start reading this book when I finally got my greedy hands on it. I adored Company of Fools and yes my expectations where high before I started reading. I expected a scorching hot and funny read to keep me warm in this brutal winter and that's exactly what I got.
In Head over Heels we meet a group of friends on an adventure trip through nature. Most of their group already escaped back to civilization and only 4 friends are left. Chrissie, our heroine is really attracted to the rather geeky Sam. But she has her own no nookie rule holding her back. Chrissie is a nice person most of the time but sometimes she starts to talk before she thinks- a think I can really relate too. She's also stubborn as hell and won't part with her own prejudices and "rules" no matter how stupid they are.
Sam is a sexy geeky guy and you know I love those. He's full of surprises and not at all what you would think of when you imagine a geek (but those mostly never are what the name suggests). He's funny and so sweet at times- heart-meltingly cute. These two together can keep you warm- I loved those sex scenes. Very inventive but never too much. Just two young people having fun. The romance is light but I enjoyed the slow build up.
I always love how easy Ms Hartnett's stories flow. It's like talking to friends- easy and just natural. Her humor is exactly the kind I love and she made me giggle more than once. The storyline itself was a bit predictable at the end but I didn't really mind because she kept me smiling the whole time.
Head over Heels is a really hot and cute story- perfect to keep you entertained on a cold winter night. I know I will keep my eyes open for more of Ms. Hartnetts stories.

To learn more about Annemarie and her books please visit her website here.
Read other reviews @goodreads. Buy the book at @Total-E-Bound